Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Day I was running in the Rain!

One day I was running in the rain!
Having all my burdens and pains..

Unable to see as everything was dark!
I was finding the way in the light of spark..

Cars were passing me side by side!
I asked everyone,
Can you give me a ride??

They replied we can't as this is all your fate!!
And I was in dilemma to love them or hate..

Tears on my face were mixing with rain..
All my efforts were going in vain..

I felt so fear and I felt alone!!
Pain of loneliness diffused in to bones..

All of a sudden a thought warmth my brain..
As a cup of coffee in a cute strain..

I closed my eyes and said..
Oh Allah Kareem!!

Shower your blessings indeed You are Raheem..

And what I saw when I opened my eyes
There was a rainbow in blue skies..

Everything was shining and looking bright!
Is it really me who was shivering with fright??

It's only Allah who gives us peace!!
With every hardship there is an ease...

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